Page of Planas: del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre del año 2005 [Exercises: from January 1 to December 31, 2005], 2005

José Antonio Suárez Londoño
1955, Medellín, Colombia. Lives in Medellín

The work of José Antonio Suárez Londoño consists of a large set of drawings and engravings that emphasize detail and illustrate, through tiny depictions, elements found in literature, music, visual culture, or in the everyday experiences of the artist. His collection of sketchbooks resembles a methodical record of what is observed or witnessed, having an annotative character and sometimes assuming the role of a visual diary – as in the series Planas: Del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre del año 2005 [Exercises: from January 1 to December 31, 2005], presented at the 32nd Bienal. In its pages, there are shared symbolic records, landscape details, bodies, boats, animals, plants, writings and dates that populate the sheets as discontinuous elements. They are small parts that relate to each other without producing linear narratives or concatenated reports of experiences, thus approximating drawing to the concept of collage. His work is a type of memorial made-up of many parts, like a trace of Londoño’s passage through the world, or wanderings on the part of the living that can be transformed into images or saved from oblivion and destruction.